• CNN | As an American, I want the right to celebrate without fear (December 14, 2022)
• Bon Appetit | Detroit’s Chinatown and Gayborhood Felt Like Two Separate Worlds. Then They Collided (June 22, 2022)
• Metro Times | The Life, Death, and Small Beginnings of Rebirth
• Publishers Weekly | The Asian American Writer’s Workshop Turns 30
• Poets & Writers Magazine | Pandemic Writing Group
• Asian American Bar Association Blog | Arts and Activism: Reflections from Curtis Chin and Bino Realuyo
• New York Times | #AAPISheRose
• Los Angeles Times | These are the Faces of Berne Sanders’ Grass-Roots Army
• NBC News | Prominent Asian Americans Endorse Elizabeth Warren
• Asian American Policy Review | Empowering the Asian American Community
INTERVIEW ALERT! I was interviewed for a FOX 2 News report on the destruction of one of the last buildings in Detroit's Chinatown. Sadly, the building was demolished, but here's an OP-ED I wrote for the Free Press.
And here is a segment from Tucson's public TV station and their show, Arizona Illustrated. The story is about the Tucson Chinese Cultural Center, but I am featured starting at 5:11